Q: Why is the FDA approval important to me?
A: It protects you. The FDA clears a medical device for sale and use on 2 merits: Safety (Is it safe?) and Efficacy (Does it really work?). The FDA does not clear a medical device on just one or the other, it must satisfy both requirements in order to be cleared for use by the FDA. Therefore, you can be assured that the Sunetics Clinical Hair Growth Laser is a safe device for you to use and is effective for the vast majority of people.
Q: How does the Sunetics Laser work?
A: The laser energy is absorbed and processed by the hair follicle and begins to cause the follicle to heal itself. Since hair loss is a by-product of a dying follicle, hair regrowth is a by-product of a healing follicle. However, the Mechanisms of Action, in simple terms, are:
• Improves blood flow and circulation to the follicle.
• Increases nutrients to the follicle.
• Increases the removal of DHT.
• Increases oxygen to the follicle.
• Decreases damaging inflammation.
• Increases cellular stimulation of the follicle.
• Increases production of ATP to energize and repair the weakened follicle.
• Improves cellular metabolism and protein synthesis.
Q: How often do I need to come in for the Sunetics Laser treatments?
A: The typical protocol for a patient to treat their hair loss and regrow their hair is as follows:
1. Twice a week for the first 12 weeks
2. Once a week for the next 12 weeks
3. Once every other week, for the last 6 months
Please note: we may feel it necessary to alter this traditional treatment plan due to your specific hair loss condition
Q: How long are the treatments?
A: The treatments are only 30 minutes long.
Q: Are there any side effects that I could experience?
A: There are no known adverse side effects.
Q: Could the Sunetics Laser stop my hair from falling out?
A: Physicians have reported that approximately 99% of their patients report that the excessive hair loss they have been experiencing ceases at about the 4th to the 6th week, meaning that the extra hair that you notice on the pillow, in your brush, in the shower, in your hands, and on the floor has greatly decreased, or even stopped.
Please remember that every person loses about 100 hairs a day, and that is normal, however, what we are talking about is the excessive hair loss that is common for most hair loss sufferers.
Q: Have I already lost too much hair to use the Sunetics Laser?
A: If there are no diminished or miniaturized hairs left on your scalp, then the answer is “Yes.” You would be termed, “Slick, Shiny, Bald,” meaning the hair follicles are dead. The Sunetics Laser Technology does not resurrect a dead follicle. There must be some hair left for it to regrow. The presence of diminished or miniaturized hair means that the hair follicle is still alive, and, therefore, there is an opportunity for the follicle to be healed and the hair to be regrown.
Q: Will I get all my hair back?
A: Please keep in mind that there are 3 stages that most people will experience when utilizing the Sunetics Laser Technology:
Stage 1
The hair stops falling out (excessive hair loss ceases)
Stage 2
The current hair becomes thicker, fuller, healthier, and shinier
Stage 3
Noticeable hair regrowth
No one is able to guarantee that you will get all your hair back, and each person moves through these 3 stages at different speeds, with different levels of results. While a full head of hair is possible, results depend on your level of hair loss and your hair follicles’ reaction to the laser energy. Thousands of people have been satisfied with their results.
Q: When my program is done, will my hair fall out if I stop treating it with laser energy?
A: Even though it is common place for patients that use Propecia and Minoxidil to experience immediate hair loss once they stop using the product, that is not the case with the Sunetics Laser Technology. Since the hair follicle heals itself when it processes the laser energy, it could take years for the follicle to begin to die again. However, the vast majority of patients will go on a maintenance program, consisting of “booster treatments,” once a month.
Q: I am a woman experiencing hair loss all over my scalp. Could this help me?
A: Women currently have very few options to treat hair loss. There have only been the options to use Minoxidil twice a day, which most women do not like putting in their hair, or to do a transplant. As a matter of fact, according to the ISHRS (International Society of Hair Restoration Surgeons), out of all of the transplants done worldwide, only 14% were done on women. Sunetics Laser Therapy is perfect for treating women because it is non-invasive and produces great results.
Q: I am a male in the early stages of hair loss. Should I consider doing this treatment?
A: Yes. Those in the early stages of hair loss are considered better candidates than patients experiencing severe hair loss (slick shiny bald). Since hair loss is a progressive disease, it is very important to stop it in the earliest stage that you can. Sunetics Laser Therapy is a proven option to help those in the early stages of hair loss to regrow their hair.
Q: I am an African American male. Could the Sunetics Laser work for me?
A: Yes. The Sunetics Laser Technology has been clinically proven as safe and effective for all ethnicities. No matter your ethnicity, a hair follicle can absorb the laser energy, can be healed, and produce normal thick, healthier hair.
Q: I am a woman who is post-menopausal and has been experiencing hair loss lately. Could the Sunetics Laser help me?
A: Yes. There has been great success treating post-menopausal women with the Sunetics Laser. This is a great option for you, since it is a non-invasive treatment with no pain, no chemicals, no drugs, no side effects, and no surgery. Many women have stopped their excessive hair loss and regrown their hair in the post-menopausal stage with the Sunetics Laser.
Q: My husband is 65 and I am a 63 year old female. Could the Sunetics Laser work for us?
A: Yes. The Sunetics Laser Technology has seen clinical results for patients from 18 years old up to 87 years old. As long as there is a follicle that is producing some hair, then the Sunetics Laser has an opportunity to work. While your follicle may respond more slowly at an older age, it can respond nonetheless.
Q: I recently had a transplant and my physician says I should also use the Sunetics Laser as a post-transplant treatment program. Do you feel this is a good idea?
A: Yes, we would highly recommend it. It has been proven that the recovery time from transplant surgery is typically reduced to half the time while undergoing laser treatments. Typically, when receiving a transplant, a portion of the newly transplanted hair falls out and does not take root due to the SHOCK of the transplant. With the Sunetics Laser, about 75% of those hairs remain in the scalp and become healthy follicles instead of falling out. This means that you will have a better looking transplant with more coverage. Thirdly, a typical transplanted follicle usually shows visible growth at approximately 4 months. However, under laser treatments, visible growth is now being seen at 2 months, meaning that your hair is growing in faster.
Q: How much does it cost?
A: Please call us for an affordable monthly plan! Call to Schedule a Consult Today! (614) 777-1200